Posted in Daily Rants

Life’s Passing by……

Ho Humm……….So many days since I’ve penned some words onto this blog.Itz feelin’ parched without the drops of my creativity quenching its thirst (sic!) But I can’t help it… speak the truth! Life’s so busy nowdays that to take a leisurely pee, I have to wait till da weekend!!! Daily schedules are crammed with activities of the-day-before and planning for those of the morrow. All I do is Wake-cleanup-get to work-work-return-eat-sleep and repeat the same again till the frikkin’ week is over!!

 Thankfully, last weekend saw myself break off from that mould and visit da Seven Hills for a change…well, not xactly change as my folks were visiting the temple town and I dropped in to say Hi over da weekend. But the joy was shortlived as the To & Fro journey took away my already-low stamina and really frayed my nerves to the point of collapse! But heyy, Life’s like that! And I better stop wheezing & ranting & Complainin……….ahh…..what one has to do to fill up blog pages 🙂