Posted in Blogging, Daily Rants, Happenings, Musings, Previews, Random Thoughts, Wordpress

The PhotoBlog makes its debut

‘Twas a dull n drab week until yesterday!

WordPress’ announcement about the Monotone theme galvanized me into starting a PhotoBlog of my own. Though I’m not an as avid and keen photographer as LB, I did purchase a camera recently and had snapped many a pics. Most of which were snoozing away within my Flickr and Picasa pages (the former, public and the latter, private). So here was a chance to put up some of the best pics onto a photoblog and maybe include a write-up about the pic’s origin, the scenario, the mood, lighting, blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda…..

The new PhotoBlog’s over here and is titled (rather cheesy you might think, but original I’d say :mrgreen: ) My Purely Placid Photoblog. It runs the Monotone theme which is a made-to-order photoblogging theme and changes the page colours according to the photo’s colours! Checkout the PhotoBlog and drop in your thoughts and suggestions in the comments. Ciao.

P.S: The header Image’s gonna stay till May 21st. That’s when it will be replaced with a “Champions” image hopefully đŸ˜›


Hi There!! I'm Chittaranjan a.k.a "C" ...a happy-go-lucky-guy who is fond of the internet and food!! Am a QA Manager by day (and sometimes into the evening & night as well) and roam the corridors of the interwebs at other times. I follow Ferrari & Manchester United, so Red is obviously a favourite color. The love of blogging has been on the wane for a while though I'm still trying to rekindle that spark.....never say never, eh!

2 thoughts on “The PhotoBlog makes its debut

  1. hey!!! guyz……….dis is nehaa… great fan of all u guyz yaa. Nywz i missed d auditions yaa, desparate 2 b on air. wish u will help me by leading me. thanks if u take a note………luv u all.take care. catch u soon dan………………..signing offf, luvvv nehaaaaaaaa…

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