Posted in Blogging, Daily Rants, Happenings, Musings, Personal, Reminiscence, Wordpress


How time flies!

It just feels like yesterday when I started penning some mundane thoughts on some free blog site that I happened to get hold of as I downloaded some free browser. That was exactly four years ago, to the day. Today, My Wierd Wired World completes its fourth year of existence on the blogosphere.

Four Years of

I know that I’ve not been as regular as I’d like to be and more often than not, there’re more F1 posts than any really creative or emotional stuff (is that due to the fact that I’m losing moi creativity and have voluntarily get rid of my emotions?). As usual, a big thanks to all the regular and irregular visitors and commenters who’ve been visiting this blog and keeping the counters ticking (they’re more crawling now as compared to having been fairly galloping some months ago!)

Happy Birthday to MWWW


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Posted in Career Chronicles, Daily Rants, Life, Musings, Reminiscence

Four Years

 4 Year Service Anniversary

Time indeed does fly! The memories of the joining day, four years ago, are still just as fresh in my mind…as if it was just day before yesterday! Dekhte hi dekhte…four years have elapsed and I embark upon the fifth year of employment…with the same organization.

I’ll take this opportunity to extend my thanks to everyone who has cared for, supported, cheered, aided, abetted, uplifted and encouraged me.

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Posted in Daily Rants, Happenings, Life, Musings, Reminiscence

May Birthday Wishes

I know its quite late in the month but as they say, its not over until the fat lady sings! So here goes…

Birthday Wishes

Belated Birthday Wishes to Swapna, Nithya, Madhuri, Somu & Sandhya.

And some warm n’ fuzzy Birthday Greetings to Venu uncle, Ramesh babai, Phani bava, Sarfraz, Chinnu, Madhusmita, Ravindra, Satyadeep, Rupali, Akhil T, & Tapan. Have a great birthday everyone…and don’t forget to invite me for da party!!!

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Posted in Awareness, Daily Rants, Happenings, Info, Random, Reminiscence, Tech, Web Travails, Windows

CONfounded F*CKER!

Apologies for the rather crude title but I feel oh-so-angry! Not at the people behind that confounded thing nor at the preventers…but moreso at the moronic individuals who let it propagate to the extent it did! How old is the saying prevention is better than cure? I bet these morons never heard it or may have conveniently forgotten it 👿

Worm In case you’re wondering what I’m ranting about, please to do a Google News Search for ‘Conficker’. Its a darned worm that was out in the woods for sometime now but reared up on April 1st to say hello to the millions of fools all over the internet! I’d kept both my notebook and the PC up-to-date with the security patches et al but as they saying goes, one bad apple spoils the whole basket and in this case, led to the basket being kept away in isolation until the bad apples were identified and the bad portion cut off. I know I’m coming across a bit dense here but you see, I haven’t have any decent disclaimer about this place…y’know, the kind of stuff that reads somewhat like “opinions expressed here are the writer’s own and have no relation to any person, place or events elsewhere”. Wait, isn’t that from the movies? I guess I’m still seething with frustration…

Anyways, one irony in this milieu is that while a similar event few years back gave me reason to smile, this time round it started off a cussfest! What goes round, comes round, eh?

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Posted in Awareness, Festivals, Happenings, Hyderabad, India, Life, Musings, Reminiscence

Happy Ugadi | ఉగాది శుభాకాంక్షలు

Here’s wishing everyone a very Happy Ugadi! May the new year bring with it bounties of joy, peace, prosperity and happiness.

 Ugadi Greetings

For the curious-er of the ppl. out there, this Ugadi marks the advent of the శ్రీ విరోధి నమ సంవత్సరము (Virodhi Nama Samvatsaram). I sure hope that there will be no troublesome virodhis (opponents) in my quest for success this year 😎 . There’s some Ugadi Pachchadi  for all of you after the jump…

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